Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Presentation Day

Today I presented in front of a relatively large (for me, 40+) audience. A little nerve-wracking in the beginning, but once things got underway started to feel more comfortable and could have more fun with the material. The guy I was presenting with is probably among the best, if not the best presenter Trend has (unrelated note, they've updated the exec pics on our Web site, I'll have to give him a hard time about his when I see him next). On the one hand it's good because observing him in action you can learn buckets full. On the other hand, anyone who presents after him appears weak in comparison.

Overall definitely a solid learning experience. I handed out feedback forms and after read over the comments and searched for patterns in the data. After a rough analysis and along with comments, I identified things I can work on for the next presentation (which I'm looking forward to, by the way)...


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