Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hosting a Halloween 2007 Activity

For Halloween this year thought it would be fun to organize a trick or treat activity and a Halloween party.

Halloween '07

Halloween is getting bigger in Taiwan, but there's still limited exposure for kids at the "street level" (i.e., although many may have seen the decorations and dressed up for school, actual trick or treating experience quite limited).

Organizing the activity was actually not difficult.

1. Create and send spooky invitations to folks in the neighborhood with a deadline to rsvp.

2. Contact those interested and let them know: time, what to prepare in advance, what to do, and a list of other homes participating (don't want to knock on non-participating homes). Also to let them know to come to our home after to let the kids compare loot and have fun.

3. Take the kids out for their first trick or treating experience.

Total we had 5 families participating, with around 15 kids.

Fairly successful so see no reason why not to repeat next year.

Pictures here. Unfortunately didn't take a lot because was busy playing host, but need to take more next year.


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