Monday, August 14, 2006

Sunset at Xin Dian

IMG_3243, originally uploaded by jdgemm.

We spent the afternoon Saturday at Kate's aunt's summer place in Xin Dian. It's up in the mountains in a gated community.

Very nice, but I got the feeling that it didn't get used much like other places in the area.

Shame because the mountain height/wind dropped the temperature a number of degrees making it quite comfortable.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Swimming on a hot day

IMG_3175, originally uploaded by jdgemm.

As usual it was hot Saturday so we filled a plastic pool with water and let the kids cool off. It was too hot around noon for this (35 degrees) so we waited until later in the afternon.

Celebrating 3rd time in 20 years

Celebrating 3rd time in 20 years, originally uploaded by jdgemm.

Continuing the tradition...

This was the 3rd time Jamey and I would make the trip to the Cape Scott lighthouse.

First time was 1986 with his parents.

Second time was in 1996 with other friends

Third time in 2006 we were joined by Jamey's friend Paul.

Roundtrip 40 KMs in 3 days.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tempting the Tooth Fairy

Tempting the Tooth Fairy
Tempting the Tooth Fairy, originally uploaded by jdgemm.

G's first tooth came out about 10 days ago. This was followed by another a couple nights back.

During the time when the first tooth was still loose, taught him about the tooth fairy which distracted him from the pain.

Also learned about the Chinese version, if it's a lower tooth throw it on the roof and if it's an upper tooth throw on ground.

Decided to go with tooth fairy, slipped money under his pillow, and kept the tooth.

Over 10,000 views on Flickr

Recently my flickr photos surpassed 10,000 views.

Let's see... doing some simple math; 17 months= approx 510 days = ~ 20 views/day.

Seems about right (probably be around 10x that amount if my own views were counted).

Over 10,000 views on Flickr

Recently my flickr photos surpassed 10,000 views.

Let's see... doing some simple math; 17 months= approx 510 days = ~ 20 views/day.

Seems about right (probably be around 10x that amount if my own views were counted).