Wednesday, March 28, 2007

2007 year of change

Can't believe a quarter of the year 2007 has already passed.

Already some big changes in 3 months:

1. Moved to a new place. After 7+ years in the ol' Jing Hsing apartment it's onto a new place around 15 minutes away, but still officially located in Taipei City.

2. After reporting to same boss for 2+ years, changed bosses 3x already this year (one transferred, one left) so now reporting to interim boss.

3. Changed mobile phones after 2+ years (ok, not that big of a change, but it's something).

See what the remaining 9 months have in store.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Finally new pics...

Posted new pics to flickr for the first time in 2007.

With new hard drive, and mostly moved in to our new place, finally ready to get back to posting pictures and thoughts on a more consistent basis.


Guy at Wanli plucking the bounty from the sea.


Paddington Station, UK