Sunday, November 18, 2007

TYPA K1 Soccer '07-08-Game 1 ROVERS VS. RANGERS

We had our first practice/game Saturday. Our team name is the Rovers and there's 16 players and 2 coaches.

After meeting in cafeteria and squaring drinks/snack schedule and jerseys, we went and practiced.

After a quick warm up session, we split the team into two groups of 8, with Paul handling one group and myself the other.

We would demonstrate a skill in front of the group and then each take our respective group and ask them to practice it.

This week was dribbling, passing, and throw-ins.

Game rules are no goalies and 8 kids aside, with quick rotations.

We played a 4-2-2 (4 forwards, 2 midfielders, 2 defense). Thought my squad did quite well. Originally I wanted to rotate the players to different positions, but decided it would be too confusing.

Not many action pictures of Griffon because whenever his squad is playing, I'm the designated coach/referee. Think I need Kate to help out next game.


Griffon's 7th in 2007

Since Griffon was born in 2000 it will always be easy to instantly know which birthday he's celebrating (e.g., 2011, 11th birthday, 2025, 25th birthday, etc.). Similar to my grandfather who was born in 1900.

We knew we were going to host a birthday party for Griffon, but weren't sure about the activities. If you have over a dozen energetic kids, need some event to keep them entertained.

I tried to find a magician, but the prices quoted were quite ridiculous for a kid's party.

Kate found an party organization online and so we had a clown come and perform magic tricks, blow up balloons for kids, and just entertain them for an hour.

Worked out well. The clown was the highlight of the party.

Pics here.


If you look closely at this picture there's a drawing in the background. One of Griffon's classmates (Jessica) drew this portrait of Griffon and gave it to him for this birthday.

Hosting a Halloween 2007 Activity

For Halloween this year thought it would be fun to organize a trick or treat activity and a Halloween party.

Halloween '07

Halloween is getting bigger in Taiwan, but there's still limited exposure for kids at the "street level" (i.e., although many may have seen the decorations and dressed up for school, actual trick or treating experience quite limited).

Organizing the activity was actually not difficult.

1. Create and send spooky invitations to folks in the neighborhood with a deadline to rsvp.

2. Contact those interested and let them know: time, what to prepare in advance, what to do, and a list of other homes participating (don't want to knock on non-participating homes). Also to let them know to come to our home after to let the kids compare loot and have fun.

3. Take the kids out for their first trick or treating experience.

Total we had 5 families participating, with around 15 kids.

Fairly successful so see no reason why not to repeat next year.

Pictures here. Unfortunately didn't take a lot because was busy playing host, but need to take more next year.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Volunteer soccer coaching

Starting this Saturday me and another gentleman will be coaching youth soccer for the TYPA organization.

I played community soccer from the age of 5 to 15, but can't remember for the life of me the drills we used to do when we were that young.

The important thing is the kids have fun and improve their skills. There aren't any goalies, referees, and aren't keeping score for these games.

Anyway should be a good experience and I've been meaning to do something like this for sometime.