Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Death in a dream

Prefer not to blog about dreams, but this one was particularly memorable as I died and then come back as a ghost.

Anna and I were in the back of a jeep on a high mountain road in some country. The jeep went backwards off the road and started to free fall over the cliff. Instinctively I started to think about how to protect Anna, but then realized based on the length of the free fall no matter what I did the result would end up the same. No one would be walking away from this accident. So I switched to telling her how much I loved her until impact.

Although I died in the dream, the dream continued and there I was a ghost. Anna was also there, but she was now a teenager. One of the scenes from the dream include me returning to Parksville Middle School and roaming the halls. There was another ghost (Brenda from Six Feet Under) and I discovered that not all ghosts see the "real world" the same way. It's proportional to how "good" a life you led. The better the life, the better the world appears, and vice versa.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

At the park

IMG_1041, originally uploaded by jdgemm.

Just a regular Sunday at a small park near our home.

Been trying to increase my technical skills and so have avoided using the "Basic Zone" (point-and-shoot) settings on my 350D and started experimenting more with the "Creative Zone". I chose a custom White Balance for the majority of these phots and paid more attention to depth-of-field and aperture settings.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sheng's big day- May '06

Sheng's big day- May '06, originally uploaded by jdgemm.

Had a good surprise birthday party on Friday 05/05 for Richard. Good turnout.

Set's here.

Richard was saying, not a major 4.0 release, just a minor 3.x release.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Under the bridge

Under the bridge, originally uploaded by jdgemm.

I like this picture because I was actually thinking about composition before I located what I wanted to take a picture of.

Usually it's see something, take a picture and then think about other things.

This is in Hsin Dian. Other pictures from this set are here.